Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Why hello! How is everyone? Well let me tell you of my struggles...do any of you out there ever try to upload a good handful of pictures to your blog using dial up?? EXTREMELY SLOW.. so slow in fact i have yet to be successful.. For some reason Qwest is at its capacity for internet service in this Layton neighborhood. so it will be a few months before it will be increased. so until then we are on this. so be patient I am working on it!!
Well here is a quick update on the Goodes. we were building a house in Morgan it was about 6 weeks from being done, when all the mortgage companys went haywire, and interest rates went haywire. We werent locked into our rate because the builder was carrying the "loan" until it was done and we closed. Anyways our mortgage payment increased dramatically and we didn't want to getourselves into that..About this same time my parents were looking for a renter for their Layton home while they took off the New Zealand for 15 months. So we are living there in Layton where laura (me) grew up. So until further notice that is where we are! I promise i will get some pictures up we have some really cute ones of the girls up at snow basin and the pumpkin patch. until later ...cya

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Sounds like a you are having a blast!!!! I bet you are so excited to get into your OWN house. We will have to meet up for lunch or something when we come home for christmas we wont be there long and there are so many people to see. but we will have to get together. Your girls just keeo getting bigger and bigger. Very cute!!!